Largest serving of rocotos rellenos
Municipalidad Provincial de Arequipa, Universidad San Ignacio Loyola S.A.
542.72 kilogram(s)
Peru (Arequipa)

The largest serving of rocotos rellenos is 542.725 kg (1,196.50 lb) and was achieved by Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola and Municipalidad Provincial de Arequipa (both Peru) at Plaza de Armas, in Arequipa, Peru, on 27 November 2016

The following ingredients were used:

1. Eggs: 28.00 kg

2. Beef: 131.20 kg

3. Pork: 47.48 kg

4. Onion: 87.19 kg

5. Cheese: 18.67 kg

6. Raisins: 11.63 kg

7. Water: 8.84 kg

8. Oil: 3.34 kg

9. Peanut: 24.27 kg

10. Olive: 14.53 kg

11. Cumin, Salt, Chili Pepper, Garlic, Oregano: 16.63 kg

12. Rocotos: 420 kg