Most people drawing simultaneously
China Jiangxi TV Station, Jiangxi Gao'an Bafulo Ecological Valley Co., Ltd, Jiangxi Jiuzhang Culture Media Co., Ltd
4,173 people
China (Yichun)

The most people drawing simultaneously consists of 4,173 participants, and was achieved by Children's Channel of Jiangxi TV Station, Jiangxi Jiuzhang Culture Media Co., Ltd. and Jiangxi Gao’an Bafulo Ecological Valley Co., Ltd. (all China) in Yichun, Jiangxi, China, on 20 October 2019.

The participants were all students from different cities of Jiangxi province. The youngest participant was just 5 years old and most of the students were in primary school and middle school. It took about one hour for all participants to finish their drawings.