Most empanadas served in 8 hours
Asociación Propietarios de Pizzerías y Casas de Empanadas de la Argentina
11,472 total number
Argentina (Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires)
Age Restriction: Applications for this record title will only be accepted if the applicant is 16 years of age or over.

The most empanadas served in 8 hours is 11,472, and was achieved by Asociación Propietarios de Pizzerías y Casas de Empanadas de la Argentina (Argentina) in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on 11 November 2018.

The empanadas were counted as soon as they left the oven and then were sold to the general public in boxes containing twelve empanadas each. On the same day the organizers also attempted the record for Most pizzas made in 12 hours (team).

The event was held with the goal to raise money for a social cause. The money raised from the sale of pizzas and empanadas was donated to ASDRA - Down Syndrome Association of the Argentine Republic, and the Leandro Olmos Foundation - a home for orphans from 0 to 5 years old.