Most 360° rotations on a kneeboard in one minute
David Arndt
36 total number
United States (Balsam Lake)

The most 360° rotations on a kneeboard in one minute is 36 and was achieved by David Arndt (USA) in Balsam Lake, Wisconsin, USA on 28 June 2020.

Growing up David was an avid fan of reading the Guinness World Records books each year. 'Over the years it became a dream of mine to complete something that no one else in the world has ever done before.' David was inspired by Travis Pastrana who showed him what was possible and inspired him to break a world record of his own.

David grew up on the water and has a high skill level in water sports. 'It was through instructing a beginner how to kneeboard for the first time when I realized that I had the ability to complete many 360's with ease. Then the question arose in my head of how many could I do? Has anyone else every completed this many before? Then my quest to break this record began.'

Being a competitive Football athlete, David was already weight training on a regular basis. David started cross training with more balancing exercises and shoulder flexibility stretches regularly in preparation for this attempt.

Other boats on the lake were a big challenge on the day.

'Being a Guinness World Records title holder would mean everything to me. This dream has been in my heart for so long and so many people have helped me to get where I am today. Having the recognition for all of my work and efforts in addition to being able to share this title with all that have supported me along the way would be truly a dream come true.'