Most trampette somersaults in one hour (team)
FRG 18
4,283 total number
Switzerland (Lausanne)

The most trampette somersaults in one hour (team) is 4,283, and was achieved by the FRG 18 (Switzerland) in Lausanne, Switzerland, on 17 June 2018.

The FRG 18, Fête Romande de Gymnastique 2018 (Romandie Festival of Gymnastics 2018), was a festival celebrated in Lausanne and the committee decided achieving a Guinness World Records title would be a fantastic way to honour the festival in a special way.

The organisers chose this particular title as the trampette somersault is an accessible move for a wide range of ages and skillsets in gymnastics. They managed to gather a large team of 138 gymnastics and each one had to complete 30 somersaults within the hour, which is around one somersault each every two minutes.

However, despite extensive preparations, the day of the attempt was not without its challenges. Most of the participants have other commitments on the weekends, such as bar work and more gymnastic competitions, so fighting fatigue and tiredness on the day was challenging. They were also missing some mats too, but luckily they had some from the gymnastics club on site, ready to go. It all paid off in the end!