Most live viewers of a reading video on YouTube
School Education Department, Government of Maharashtra
189,846 total number
India (Mumbai)
The most live viewers of a reading video on YouTube is 189,846 and was achieved by School Education Department, Government of Maharashtra (India), as part of Mukhyamantri - Mazi Shala Sundar Shala, in Mumbai, India on 5 March 2024.

This was a special campaign during February 2024 for all the schools in Maharashtra which culminated on the video being streamed between 11.00 - 11.15 local time on 3 March 2024. The drive “Mukhyamantri - Mazi Shala Sundar Shala” was aimed at the personal development of all the school going children and their parents in Maharashtra. The live streamed video had to be related to reading and was to be hosted on a single channel on YouTube. The video had to remain on topic and last at least 10 minutes. The final total was the peak number of concurrent viewers who watched the video live.