Most consecutive male/female births in a family
Thomas B. Ewers, Katherine F. Ewers, Marie Martin, Thomas F. Ewers, William Ewers, Katherine M. Ewers, Daniel Ewers, Jane Christensen, James Ewers, Paula Penn, Michael Ewers, Monica Jones, David Ewers
11 total number
United States (Chicago)

The most consecutive girl/boy births in a family is 11, and was achieved by the Ewers family (USA) in Chicago, Illinois, USA, as verified on 23 February 2018.

The eleven children were born to Thomas and Katherine Ewers. The record-breaking sequence is as follows: Thomas (1955), Marie Martin (1957), David (1958), Monica Jones (1960), Michael (1961), Paula Penn (1963), James (1965), Jane Christensen (1968), Daniel (1970), Katherine (1972), and William (1975).