Most weight lifted by kettlebell swings in 12 hours (team)
Claudia Cooke, Stuart Wilson, Alison Bird, Kat Shaw , Shane McCall, Russell Goldman, Michael Reader, Robert Kowalski , Gareth Lloyd, Mike Whitty, Nicola Risk-Jones, Ben Jones
711,940 kilogram(s)
United Kingdom (Amersham)
Age Restriction: Applications for this record title will only be accepted if the applicant is 16 years of age or over.

The most weight lifted by kettlebell swings in 12 hours (team) is 711,940 kg (1,569,559 lb), achieved by Claudia Cooke, Stuart Wilson, Alison Bird, Kat Shaw, Shane McCall, Russell Goldman, Michael Reader, Gareth Lloyd, Mike Whitty, Nicola Risk-Jones, Ben Jones (all UK) and Robert Kowalski (Poland), in Amersham, UK, on 2 February 2020.

Claudia Cooke has previously achieved a record for 'Heaviest weight lifted in one hour by kettlebell swing (female)' and organised this attempt to raise money for Cancer Research UK. The event was held in loving memory of Jack Hobbs, Sarah Lloyd, Jane Foster and Tommy Whitty.