Most decline push ups in 24 hours - team
Age Restriction: Applications for this record title will only be accepted if the applicant is 16 years of age or over.
  • This record is for the most decline push ups in 24 hours by a team of six.
  • This record is to be attempted by a team of six.
  • This record is to be measured by the number of decline push ups correctly performed.
  • The following outline comprises one decline push up: The body must remain straight throughout, i.e. no bending at the knees or waist. The participant must begin with the body face down, completely straight. Both feet must be resting on the elevated step and both hands must be flat on the floor, directly under the shoulders or at a slightly wider measurement than the body. The body must then be lowered until at least a 90-degree angle is attained at the elbow (the chest will be very near the floor). The body is then raised until the arms are once again completely straight (although they do not need to be locked at the elbow).