Largest cooked ham
Fratelli Beretta S.p.A
Italy (Trezzo sull'Adda (MI))

The largest cooked ham weighs 82.95 kg (182.87 lb) and was achieved by Fratelli Beretta S.p.A in Ipermercato Auchan Vicenza, Vicenza, Italy, on 18 September 2010.

Adjudicated by Louise Ireland.

They cooled two hams, which were approximately 45cm long and 40cm high for around 45 hours. The first which weighed 79.40 kg (175lbs). This built up the suspense before going on to weigh the even larger ham. The hams contained a total of 30 pigs legs and had taken a whole day to prepare. They had been left to stand for 3 days to ensure they were perfect when unveiled. The hams were cut at the time and shared out amongst the hungry shoppers. After just one hour the first half of the first ham had already been eaten!