Most eyebrows threaded in one hour by an individual
Ziba Ahmadi
90 pair(s)
United States (Gainesville)

The most eyebrows threaded in one hour by an individual is 90 and was achieved by Ziba Ahmadi (USA) in Gainesville, Florida, USA, on 16 June 2021.

Earning a Guinness World Records title was Ziba's dream. She is a single mother and owner of a beauty salon in Gainesville, Florida. The businesswoman takes pride in her work and has dedicated the past 10 years to achieve a great reputation for her salon.

Last year, the salon's customers inspired her to practice her timing and apply for a GWR title! She believes that having the record certificate placed in the heart of her business is an ideal way to continue her legacy and that this will make her family proud for years to come!