Worst dialogue in a videogame
Resident Evil
10 total number
Not Applicable ()

In 2002, the line “Here’s a lockpick. It might be handy if you, the master of unlocking, take it with you” was voted the worst videogame dialogue ever by US games magazine Electronic Gaming Monthly. Since then the line, spoken near the start of the first Resident Evil (1996) game has appeared in more than 10 "worst videogame dialogue" features, including lists published on IGN, Redbull.com, the language translation blog Lackuna and wow247.co.uk. It's also ranked at number 3 on Audio Atrocities – a website devoted to the art of bad videogame voice-acting.

So infamous and ironically revered was Resident Evil's original "bad" dialogue that in October 2015, a modder restored the game's original words to its 2015 remake. See http://kotaku.com/modder-adds-resident-evils-original-awful-voice-acting-1737591190