Heaviest sumo wrestler
Ōrora Satoshi
Japan (Tokyo)

The heaviest sumo wrestler is Ōrora Satoshi (b. Anatoly Mikhakhanov, Russia), who weighed 292.6 kg (46 st 1 lb) at the 2018 Autumn Grand Sumo Tournament in Tokyo, Japan.

Ōrora, the first Russian to compete in professional sumo, fought professionally for 18 years. He featured in 111 basho, the highest-ranking of these the nine that took place in the third-tier makushita division. In August 2017, Ōrora became the heaviest sumo wrestler ever when his weight was recorded at 288 kg. He retired in September 2018, immediately after recording his peak official weight. It was reported he could consume 200 pieces of sushi and a crate of beer in one night.

Since retirement Anatoliy has embarked on a fitness regime and a change of diet that has seen him lose 100 kg. He spoke out against the dangers of obesity following the death of a sumo wrestler to COVID-19.