Most swim crossings of the Bristol Channel by an individual
Tom Chapman
6 total number
United Kingdom (Lavernock)

The most times to swim across the Bristol Channel by an individual is six by Tom Chapman (UK) with his most recent swim completed on 16 June 2023 between Minehead (Somerset, England) and Lavernock (Vale of Glamorgan, Wales), UK; the swim lasted 9 hours 10 minutes 39 seconds and was observed by Sophie Smith.

Chapman's other five swims to date took place as follows:

- 17 June 2021: Penarth to Weston (6 hours 17 minutes 21seconds)

- 2 July 2021: Penarth to Clevedon (6 hours 38 minutes 53 seconds)

- 16 September 2021: Porthcawl to Glenthorne (11 hours 57 minutes)

- 7 July 2022: Penarth to Clevedon (7 hours 4 minutes 12 seconds)

- 6 August 2022: Porthcawl to Foreland Point (12 hours 7 minutes 31 seconds)