Largest collection of handmade sock monkeys
Arlene Okun
2,098 total number
United States (Long Grove)

The largest collection of handmade sock monkeys consists of 2,098 items, and was achieved by Arlene Okun (USA) in Long Grove, Illinois, USA, on 10 August 2023.

Arlene’s passion for collecting sock monkeys began on a road trip in 2006 when she and her husband Michael bought their first one at a Cracker Barrel restaurant. They dubbed him "Sock Monkey" and he accompanied them on family trips and adventures across the United States and Canada.

Over time, Arlene’s love of sock monkeys grew. She learned how to make them herself and developed a special interest in vintage sock monkeys and their fascinating history: they were popularized during the Great Depression when moms and grandmas would repurpose old red heel work socks to make low-cost toys for their kids.

The desire to reunite these vintage, handmade sock monkeys led to an ever-growing collection which is now shared with the public at the Sock Monkey Museum, just outside of Chicago, Illinois. The place where the collection is kept is filled with historical information, interactive exhibits, quotes from “Sockrates,” a "sockumentary" for guests to watch, and—of course—thousands of sock monkeys! They even host visitors and groups for sock monkey making workshops. Arlene hopes to keep growing and sharing her collection for many years to come.