Fastest mammal on land – over short distances
Cheetah, Acinonyx jubatus, Pritchelou
64.3 mile(s) per hour
United Kingdom ()

The fastest mammal on land is the cheetah (<em>Acinonyx jubatus</em>). When measured over a short distance the cheetah can maintain a steady maximum speed of approximately 100km/h (62 mph) on level ground. However, research completed by Professor Craig Sharp of Brunel University, London, UK in 1965 recorded accurate speeds of 64.3 mph (29 m/sec or 104.4 km/h) for a 35-kg (77-lb) adult female over a measured distance of 201.2 m (220 yards or 660 ft). These speedy cheetahs are found racing through the open plains of sub-Saharan Africa, Iran, Turkmenistan and Afghanistan.