Longest peace vigil by an individual
Concepción "Connie" Picciotto
34:177 year(s):day(s)
United States (Washington, DC)

Peace campaigner Concepción "Connie" Picciotto (b. María de la Inmaculada Concepción Martín; Spain; 1936–2016) – sometimes nicknamed "The Little Giant" – maintained a vigil protesting against nuclear weapons from 1 August 1981 to her death, aged 80, on 25 January 2016 – a total span of 34 years 177 days. Her camp was in Lafayette Square, opposite the White House in Washington, DC, USA, with her unofficial address coming to be known as 1601 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Picciotto, who moved from Spain to the USA in 1960, was not the original person to begin the White House Peace Vigil; she joined forces with American anti-nuclear protester William Thomas, who started the sit-in on 3 June 1981 and remained at the site until he passed away on 23 January 2009 (27 years 234 days).

Their peace camp was originally positioned alongside the White House fence, but was relocated to the opposite side of the street as it violated local laws.

Thomas and Picciotto were assisted over the decades by volunteers, who took their place to allow them breaks from the vigil as well as local charities. There was controversy on 12 September 2013 when a volunteer deserted the site overnight and local authorities took the opportunity to remove the encampment, however Picciotto and her supporters had reclaimed the tent and placards and redeployed the vigil in a matter of hours.