First landfill sites
Knossos, Crete
/ first
Greece (Knossos)

Landfilling is by far the longest-established method of waste disposal by humans. The earliest evidence of landfill sites can be traced back to c. 3,000 BCE in the capital city of Knossos on Crete (now in Greece). The ancient Minoan civilization of that era discarded their solid garbage (including ceramic wine cups now thought to have been used on a single-use basis) in large pits, which were then backfilled with earth over several levels.

Around 500 BCE, the city-state of Athens in Greece passed legislation that saw the development of the first municipal rubbish dump, which required citizens to take their garbage at least one mile beyond the city boundary. A little later, in 320 BCE, Athens passed another law forbidding people from disposing of rubbish in the city's streets.