Fastest time to travel to all New York City ferry stops (2020-2022)
Chris Horne, Shiva Prakash, Elijah Hutchinson, Andrew Austin, Najiyah Edun, Mandana Manzari, Anthony Thayer, Alison Corwin
06:42:24 hour(s):minute(s):second(s)
United States (New York City)
Age Restriction: Applications for this record title will only be accepted if the applicant is 16 years of age or over.

The fastest time to travel to all New York City ferry stops is 6 hours 42 minutes 24 seconds, and was achieved by Chris Horne, Shiva Prakash, Elijah Hutchinson, Andrew Austin, Mandana Manzari, Anthony Thayer, Alison Corwin (all USA) and Najiyah Edun (Mauritius), on 24 October 2020.

Chris Home organised this attempt because of a love for optimizing network/routing challenges and wanted to promote the new ferry system in a fun way.