Most juggling catches on a unicycle while balancing on a slackwire (five clubs)
Raul Cañas Zamora
10 total number
United Arab Emirates (Dubai)

The most juggling catches on a unicycle while balancing on a slackwire (five objects) is 10, achieved by Raul Cañas Zamora (Mexico), in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, on 18 January 2020.

Raul has dreamed of achieving a Guinness World Records title ever since he first saw record-breaking on TV as a child. The record was attempted on board the MSC Bellissima cruise ship, where Raul was working with Cirque du Soleil.

Raul has also previously achieved the record for 'Most juggling catches on a unicycle whilst balancing on a slackwire in one minute (three objects)', with 203.