Most people performing Henan opera simultaneously
Zhumadian Economic Development Zone, Zhumadian Literature and Art Association, Zhumadian Youth Federation
4,977 people
China (Zhumadian)

The most people performing Henan opera simultaneously is 4,977, and was achieved by Zhumadian Literature and Art Association, Zhumadian Economic Development Zone and Zhumadian Youth Federation (all China), in Zhumadian, Henan, China, on 28 September 2019.

The event was held to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the PRC as well as promoting the culture of Henan opera. The participants performed three pieces of the classic Henan opera which were ‘Hua Mulan’, ‘Mu Guiying’ and ‘Chaoyanggou’. These are all very popular local pieces.

All the participants were local primary or middle school students who rehearsed several times before the attempt. The whole attempt lasted for 5 minutes and 30 seconds.