Most origami cranes made in three minutes blindfolded
Azusa Ito, Katherine Wu
4 total number
United States (San Francisco)

The most origami cranes made in three minutes blindfolded is 4 and was achieved by Azusa Ito (Japan) in Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan, on 21 July 2021. This was equalled by Katherine Wu (USA) in San Francisco, California, USA, on 9 August 2021.

When Katherine was 7, she witnessed her mom’s battle with breast cancer. She struggled with the possibility of losing her mom for 5 months.

After school, she visited the hospital where her mom received numerous treatments of chemotherapy. At her mom’s bedside, she folded paper cranes for 3 hours at a time.

A Japanese legend says that if you fold a thousand cranes, your wish will be granted. Katherine wished on those cranes that her mom would get better, and she did. Not a day goes by that she is not immensely thankful that she still have her mom in her life to guide and nurture her.

To get to a thousand cranes, she tore square pieces of paper out of homework and assignments during class and folded cranes under the table. Eventually, Katherine could fold cranes without even looking at them. This is where she built the foundation to make cranes while blindfolded.

Fast forward from that little girl folding cranes, Katherine has developed the ability to make cranes even more accurately and quickly through 14 years of training. She believes that something good can come out of anything.

She dedicates this Guinness World Record to her mom to thank her for being in her life.