Most consecutive days to run a half marathon distance (female)
Helen Ryvar
111 day(s)
United Kingdom (Wrexham)
Age Restriction: Applications for this record title will only be accepted if the applicant is 16 years of age or over.

The most consecutive days to run a half marathon distance (female) is 111, achieved by Helen Ryvar (UK), from 30 January to 20 May 2021.

Following personal tragedies in 2020, Helen (40) decided to attempt this record as both a personal challenge and a tribute to family members. She also hoped to inspire others who had suffered with lack of self-belief.

Helen had started the year 2020 with a plan to run or walk 5 km every day and by the end of the year felt fit enough to take on the far longer distances required for this record. Eventually she was able to surpass the required target (75 days) by almost one month!

During the runs she would take in the nature surrounding her. The timing of the attempt meant she was able to experience the seasons changing during her runs. Rather than think of each run as a 14 mile challenge, she began thinking of them as 2.5 hours out of her day to train. She was also helped during her runs by motivational audiobooks and podcasts.