Most polygons in a playable spaceship
Idris - Star Citizen
3,322,169 total number
Not Applicable ()

Star Citizen is renowned for its hi-tech spacecraft and as of March 2016, none came bigger than the Idris. The frigate warship’s model is built from 3,322,169 polygons and has an in-game length of 239 m (784 ft 1.4 in). To a real-world scale, that’s longer than two American football pitches. It is built to house 10 crew. In spaceship terms, that may not be huge, but it shows the level of detail that developer Cloud Imperium has invested into the ship's creation. The ship was being developed for Star Citizen’s single-player campaign, Squadron 42, which was set for release in late 2016, shortly ahead of the full MMO.

Although the Idris is currently Star Citizen’s largest ship, its developer is building an even bigger one to release at a later date. The Bengal will run at 1,000 m (3,280 ft) in length, and its early models have 7.5 million polygons.