Highest combined age of 14 living siblings
Rollande Robillard, Yollande Belisle, Roger Simard, Denise Girard, Jean-Jacques Simard, Muriel Nemeth, Odette Grenier, Diane Obach, Pierrette Martin, Henri-Paul Simard, Marc Simard, Monique Fredette, Lise Renaud, Pierre Simard
1167:006 year(s):day(s)
Canada (Chelmsford)

The highest combined age of 14 living siblings is 1,167 years and 6 days, and was achieved by the Simard siblings (all Canada), as verified on the 4 September 2022.

The siblings are all children of farmers Orphila and Marie Anne (Gagné) Simard. Their ages range from 71 to 94.