Most 3D-printed 3D printer
Garth Minette, Adrian Bowyer, RepRap Snappy 1.1c
78.18 (based on 86 of 110 pieces) percentage
Not Applicable ()

It's now possible for 3D printers to 3D-print everything from car parts and medical devices to food and toys. What’s more surprising, perhaps, is that you can even 3D-print a 3D printer. The open-source RepRap Snappy 1.1c printer was made using 2.4 kg of plastic filament to print up to 85 of its 107 pieces. This design was by Garth Minette (USA), who – along with Adrian Bowyer (UK) who designed the original RepRap printer – encourages people to freely share or modify the design to 3D-print their own 3D printer.

The snappy is named after the plastic snaps that hold together its many 3D-printed components.