Most bicycle-friendly city
1 ranked #1
Denmark (Copenhagen)

According to the latest biannual Copenhagenize Index, published in June 2019, the Danish capital of Copenhagen continues to rank as the world's most bicycle-friendly city. Since 2007, the city has spent more than $150 million building up its cycling infrastructure. This has resulted in 16 new bridges dedicated for pedestrians and cyclists, with four bicycle bridges completed or under construction. Each day, Copenhagers cycle some 894,000 miles (1,438,750 km), with 62% of citizens using a bicycle to journey to work or school. As of June 2019, the city has added 104 miles (167 km) of new regional cycle highways.

Copenhagen first reached the top of the podium in 2015 after Amsterdam took top spot in the 2011 and 2013 rankings.

It's worth noting that a rival study, the Bicycle Cities Index 2019, places Utrecht as the most bicycle-friendly city, with Copenhagen fourth. This report is based on 16 indicators spread over six main categories: weather, bicycle usage, crime and safety, infrastructure, sharing and events. See: