
Daring and adorable American Shorthair cat Bao Zi made history by showing off his skateboarding skills.

The cat, owned by Li Jiangtao (China), broke the Guinness World Records title for the fastest 10 m on a skateboard by a cat in just 12.85 sec. Bao Zi is just one year and eight months old, but already a superstar.

From pet trainer to skateboarding cat owner

Li is a seasoned pet trainer who initially focused on training dogs.

Despite his extensive experience, he didn't immediately recognize Bao Zi's talent.


"I've been training dogs for over a decade, and I started skateboarding with my own dog for fun. But Bao Zi showed a keen interest in skateboards, so I decided to nurture this behavior," Li recalls.

Bao Zi's skateboarding talent wasn't obvious from the start. Li initially got Bao Zi to deal with a mouse problem in their home.

"We had mice running around the ceiling at night, so I got Bao Zi to scare them away," Li explains.

Initially, Bao Zi was just like any other kitten - always looking for food, naps, and cuddles.


At six months old, Bao Zi had a daring "runaway" adventure.

Li searched the neighborhood for a week, thinking Bao Zi was gone for good, but the little adventurer came back on his own. That's when Li realized Bao Zi loved exploring the outdoors.

The making of a skateboarding cat

If you've seen Bao Zi's skateboarding videos, you'll know he's a bold and playful kitty.

"Bao Zi loves it when I take him out for adventures. At home, he's a lazy furball, but at the skatepark, he's a different cat - confident and daring, weaving through crowds with ease," says Li.

This unique bond led Li to delve into cat behaviour training. To date, he has trained 13 cats to use the toilet, complete with flushing!

Bao Zi can also perform a range of tricks, from sitting and shaking paws to playing dead, rolling over, jumping, climbing, going through hoops, pressing doorbells, pushing rolling barrels, and even dribbling a basketball.

But skateboarding took the longest - an entire year of training.


An unbelievable achievement

Li thinks Bao Zi's achievement is incredible. "My friends and Bao Zi's fans have been incredibly supportive throughout this challenge," he said.

For me, Bao Zi's presence is extraordinary. He’s like a ray of light in the darkness.

"Every day, we receive messages of love and blessings from fans around the world. I want to thank everyone who supports and loves Bao Zi. Bringing joy to so many people makes this journey truly meaningful."

Bao Zi's story shows the deep bond between pets and their humans. We can't wait to see what other amazing feats this skateboarding cat will achieve in the future!

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