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More than 100 drummers of 61 nationalities come together to play in the large drum circle

By Kristen Stephenson

Non-profit organization The Legacy 150 Celebrations Society, has successfully achieved the record for the Most nationalities in a drum circle in honour of their second Canada Day celebrations.

With an impressive 107 drummers of 61 nationalities present, the festivities were coordinated across 12 Canadian cities and five time zones, representing unity among the group.

The achievement comes one year after their first attempt, which took place for Canada’s 150th anniversary.

"We believe it is one of the few celebrations for coast to coast to coast. We are excited that we achieved the record on the second try. We believe in not giving up and we are determined," Richard Wong, Chair of Legacy 150 Celebrations Society.

This attempt was primarily organized by the Chinese-Canadian community, with the goal of using drumming to promote inclusivity, diversity, harmony and peace for a better world.

For the record to qualify, all registered drummers needed to play at the same time for over five minutes.

After six minutes of playing, the society accomplished their mission of celebrating the rich multicultural make up of Canada.

"What’s a better way to showcase the cultural diversity of Canada than by successfully getting the Guinness World Records title for Most nationalities in a drum circle

"This is a new record and we are happy to have worked with the Guinness World Records team to come up with this new title. We didn’t get the record on the first try due to many challenges but we are determined to attempt again and finally accomplished it on Canada Day 2018, the 151st anniversary of the Confederation of Canada,” added Richard.

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