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12,508 personal hygiene products distributed in India in just one hour

By Amanda Tang

The prince of Udaipur, Lakhsyaraj Singh Mewar, has made it a tradition to break a record for a good cause on his birthday (28 January) - and this year was no exception. 

Lakshyaraj Singh Mewar achieved the record title for most personal hygiene products donated in one hour in Udaipur, India with 12,508 products.

The Prince was involved in the free distribution of 12 different hygiene products such as hand wash, hand sanitizers, biodegradable sanitary pads, soaps, toothpaste, toothbrushes, and many others.

The items were distributed to raise awareness for personal hygiene and sanitation; essential during this time.

The sanitary pads were a key item for the community as this is a product that is not commonly used in rural India. 

Biodegradable pads were given in the donation so they were more environmentally friendly.

The items were mainly given to families who live in rural and remote areas. 

A virtual certificate presentation was carried out by an official Adjudicator to congratulate the prince on his achievement.

For his previous birthdays, Lakshyaraj Singh Mewar has broken the records for:

In 2018, Lakshyaraj Singh Mewar initiated a worldwide drive to collect clothes for the largest collection of clothes for recycle/donation for people in need around India.

The collection began in October 2018 and came to a close in March 2019. Donations were received from over 12 countries across the world.

In 2019, the record title for largest donation of school supplies in 24 hours was broken with the campaign “Shiksha Protsahan" which translates to "Education Promotion”. 

This campaign aimed to provide providing underprivileged children with school supplies so that they could receive vital education.

Last year, in January, 4,035 people were involved in the attempt for most people potting plants simultaneously.

The Prince of Udaipur wanted to celebrate his birthday by planting as many plants as possible, as a way of giving back to nature following the aftermath of the Australian bush fires.

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