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Contractors illuminate latest managers' meeting with record attempt

By Kristen Stephenson

Electrical contractors IES Residential got rather crafty at its bi-annual manager’s meeting in Dallas Texas this year by attempting a record that required the help of all attendees.

After hours of preparation, coordination and set up, more than 100 employees achieved the Longest chain of extension cables, laying out 22,860 m (75,000 ft) of cables to spell out “IESR” when viewed from above.

As this year’s gathering was themed for customer experience and team-building, the title fitted rather nicely alongside IES Residential’s goals.

"We really wanted to give our managers and guests an amazing, one-in-a-lifetime team building experience," said Vice President Jim Johnson. 


"With a lot of preparation and dedication, we persevered through the Texas heat and achieved our goal. Our mascot, Wirenut, plugged in the last extension cable to light the lightbulb. 

"Our company culture here at IES Residential is unlike any other and to attain this Guinness World Records title speaks volumes on what can be achieved with the determinations of one another." 

In order for this attempt to be considered successful, all cables needed to be connected with the final goal of illuminating a light bulb.

Though it seemed uncertain if there would be enough power to do so, the electrical engineers at hand calculated to find the proper measurements to obtain the Guinness World Records title.

Adjudicator Casey DeSantis was present to verify all guidelines were followed. Upon hearing the final measurement of cables, all managers rejoiced in celebration.

"In the weeks since becoming a part of a record-breaking team, I have encountered a lot of reminders such as newspaper articles, mentions on the radio and phone calls asking if I’ve heard the news. As we settle back in the daily grind, I hope to bring that same enthusiasm, buy-in and hard work to my current projects. Thank you for letting me be a part of history. This was something pretty cool to tell the kids about," Shawn Little, Titan Multi-family Division Manager, IES Residential.

Could a Guinness World Records attempt enhance your employee engagement event or conference? Visit our Business Solutions section to find out more about our unique team-building and celebration activities, or talk to our employee engagement team today.