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Break a record at Blackmores Sydney Running Festival

By Guinness World Records

Guinness World Records will mark its third year partnering with the Blackmores Sydney Running Festival in 2018. The collaboration will provide runners with the chance to become a certified Guinness World Records title holder as they cross the finish line.

Attempting a Guinness World Records title is an opportunity for runners to add an extra challenge to their marathon and a helpful way to raise money and awareness for a charity or special cause.

On-the-day record verification is usually a paid-for-service but, for this day only, the verification will be done free of charge for runners.

In 2017, two out of six runners attempting a Guinness World Records title while running in the Blackmores Sydney Running Festival were successful. Their records are below:

  1. Matthew Whitaker - Fastest marathon dressed in a suit: 2 hours, 44 minutes and 29 seconds
  2. William Bond - Fastest marathon dressed in a Kung Fu uniform: 3 hours, 50 minutes and 38 seconds

For aspiring record breakers who want to take part, follow these simple steps. Once you’ve registered for the Blackmores Sydney Running Festival, please make a standard application via and include the following:


As part of the submission process, a full description of each applicant’s planned record attempt will be sent to Blackmores Sydney Running Festival Operations Department by Guinness World Records.

The attempt will then be assessed to ensure it is appropriate for the marathon.

Please note that you must have secured a guaranteed place in the 2018 Blackmores Sydney Running Festival if you wish to attempt a Guinness World Records title. Guaranteed entries are not available from Guinness World Records.

34 records were broken at the Virgin Money London Marathon in April 2018.