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Video: Cosplayer creates enormous mechanical wings inspired by League of Legends

By Rachel Swatman

League of Legends fan Leo Simon (UK) spent a year creating a life-size costume of the Champion Aether Wing Kayle, an achievement that has secured the gamer a place in the Guinness World Records 2018 Gamer’s Edition book.

The Largest mechanical wings on a cosplay costume features movable extensions that are operated by 10 individual motors.

Fully open, the wings measure 4.26 m (13 ft 11 in) – double the length of a king-size bed (speaking of beds, Leo used a number of unusual materials to construct his masterpiece, including a bed stand, parts from a microwave and shelving!).

"When I first started making the suit I just wanted to make something cool, but to actually break a record is absolutely amazing," – Leo Simon.

Asked why he wanted to bring Kayle to life, Leo said, “She’s very strong and she’s one of the few characters that can be played in every role in the game."

"I’ve cosplayed Kayle at Insomnia, MCM, London Film & Comic Con [all UK]. Most people are wowed even before the costume moves, but when it does they get their minds blown! Fans come up to me every five seconds so I’m unable to go round, just due to the sheer number of people."

The 31-year-old does have to be careful when traveling around these gaming events: "I must have hit 40 people in the head with the wings! They weigh 16–17 kg (35–37 lb) so I’ve had to train with a 20-kg (44-lb) backpack, doing power-walks, just to wear them."

Leo is featured in the Guinness World Records Gamer’s Edition, alongside Legend of Zelda fans, eSports pros and a giant Game Boy.

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If you’re a gaming fan, be sure to tune into the Guinness World Records YouTube channel where GWR Gamer’s: The Showdown will be broadcast on Tuesday 28 November at 19:00 GMT (14:00 EST). Four YouTube stars will be attempting records live!