Fastest time to complete the IUTA World Cup Double Deca Ultra Triathlon (Day) (male)
Norbert Lüftenegger
241:36:45 hour(s):minute(s):second(s)
Switzerland (Buchs)

The fastest time to complete the IUTA World Cup Double Deca Ultra Triathlon (Day) (male) is 241 hr 36 min 45 sec and was achieved by Norbert Lüftenegger (Austria) in Buchs, Switzerland, on 31 August 2019.

The race Norbert ran in Buchs was offered as part of the IUTA Ultra Triathlon World Cup.

Running distances like these at this level is absolutely no easy feat, as you would expect! Norbert explains that it takes years of intensive endurance training and continuous development for very long distances. He says you have to know your body extremely well and be very well trained.

We asked Norbert how he kept managed to keep the momentum going, and he said that "the unrestricted will to achieve my goal kept me working." Even when the weather turned and proved challenging during the attempt, he managed to keep going and focus on his end goal.

But what about the recovery time after a such a strenuous feat? Norbert said: "after a few days I was able to run slowly again. Intensive training was possible again after a few weeks."

Norbert added that being a Guinness World Records title holder is one of the greatest awards an athlete can get. He says that it is a great honor for him and he is proud to call himself a Guinness World Records title holder.

Congratulations Norbert!