Most seeds removed from lotus pods in one minute
Rao Chunying, Liu Xianying
91 total number
China (Guangchang)

The most seeds removed from lotus pods in one minute is 91 and was achieved by Liu Xianying (China) in Guangchang, Jiangxi, China, on 14 July 2018. This record was equaled by Rao Chunying (China) in Guangchang, Jiangxi, China, on 15 July 2018.

The attempt was an official attempt at GWR Live in Guangchang from 14 to 15 July 2018. 6 official attempts were held and 18 challengers participated during the two days. Liu Xianying achieved 91 on 14 July and Rao Chunying achieved the same on 15 July 2018.