Most cooking oil collected for recycling in one month
Cidade de São Bernardo do Campo, Instituto Triângulo de Desenvolvimento Sustentável
55.951,88 litre(s)
Brazil (São Bernardo do Campo)

The most cooking oil collected for recycling in one month is 55,951.88 litres (14US gal 6.24 pt; 12UK gal 2.461545pt), and was achieved by Cidade de São Bernardo do Campo and Instituto Triângulo de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (both Brazil), in São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo, Brazil, from 2 June until 1 July 2022.

The city of São Bernardo do Campo and the Triângulo Institute of Sustainable Development attempted this record title with the purpose to bring awareness to people about the importance of recycling cooking oil, in order to protect the environment from harm associated with improper oil disposal.

The organizers collected oil from 314 establishments, including schools, public buildings, residences, hospitals, associations, supermarkets and restaurants.