Largest prawn/shrimp cocktail
Asociación de Hoteles y Moteles 3 Islas de Mazatlán A.C
1,701.5 kilogram(s)
Mexico (Mazatlán)

The largest prawn/shrimp cocktail is 1,701.5 kg (3,751 lb), achieved by the Asociación de Hoteles y Moteles 3 Islas de Mazatlán A.C. (Mexico) in Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Mexico, on 3 February 2023.

Mazatlán is known for its history within the seafood industry. Over the years they have positioned themselves as world shrimp capital and through this record they have sought to remind people why shrimp cocktail should be consumed in this region.

The attempt was attended by government authorities, a musical band, gastronomy students, general public and the previous record holder.