Fastest half marathon barefoot on ice/snow
Josef (Joska) Šálek
01:50:42 hour(s):minute(s):second(s)
Czechia (Horská chata Jelení Louky, Pec pod Sněžkou)
The fastest half marathon barefoot on ice/snow is 1 hr 50 min 42 sec and was achieved by Josef (Joska) Šálek (Czechia), in Horská chata Jelení Louky, Pec pod Sněžkou, Czechia, on 18 February 2024.

The attempt took place on an open circuit in a valley near the highest mountain in Czechia. The half marathon distance of 21.0975 km (13 miles 192.5 yd) circuit was measured by a professional surveyor. Josef not only ran bare feet on ice/snow but he only wore a pair of shorts for the whole distance.