Largest collection of videogames
Antonio Romero Monteiro
24268 total number
United States (Richmond)

The largest collection of videogames consists of 24,268 items and was achieved by Antonio Romero Monteiro (USA) in Richmond, Texas, USA, on 19 December 2021

Antonio has been collecting video games for 35 years, since he was 7 years old. Once he realized his collection had grown considerably he took it as a personal challenge to try and achieve a Guinness World Record title, which he in fact achieved in 2019.

The collection has been kept under wraps over the years, but after achieving his first GWR title, Antonio has been contacted and touched by many people who share his passion and love for video games. These events inspired him to set a new GWR title to keep the video game lovers' spark.

According to Antonio, the main challenge in the preparations and planning was to re-alphabetize all the different system collections. It took him approximately 3 months to have everything alphabetized.

With this new record, Antonio looks forward to sharing and continuing to inspire the love and passion for video games. For him, video games are a true form of art and storytelling, with no limits to imagination!