Tallest family
Savanna Trapp-Blanchfield, Scott Trapp, Kristine Trapp, Molly Steede, Adam Trapp
203.29 centimetre(s)
United States (Duluth)

The tallest family is an average of 203.29 cm (6 ft 8.03 in) and was achieved by Savanna Trapp-Blanchfield, Scott Trapp, Kristine Trapp, Molly Steede, and Adam Trapp (all USA) in Duluth, Minnesota, USA as verified on 6 December 2020.

The Trapp family realised they could possibly break the current record for the tallest family when they did some research on the current record.

'We all work hard in our professional lives with people that are very used to our height. Although, we often get asked many times a day how tall we are. When we all go out together as a family, we are approached on multiple occasions by curious onlookers.'

The Trapp family can reach everything off the tallest shelf, can see over all crowds, and are easy to find in a group of people (just look up).

'To be able to hold this record would be a tremendous honour for our family. We have always been proud of our height and want to represent height in a positive way.'