Smallest detected skin cancer
Alexander Witkowski, Joanna Ludzik, Jina Chung, Sancy Leachman, Giovanni Pellacani, Claudia Lee
0.65 millimetre(s)
United States (Portland)

The smallest skin cancer detected measures 0.65 mm (0.0256 inches) in diameter, as verified by Alexander Witkowski, Joanna Ludzik, Jina Chung, Sancy Leachman, Claudia Lee (all USA) and Giovanni Pellacani (Italy), at the Oregon Health and Science University, in Portland, Oregon, USA, on 26 January 2023.

Skin cancer is a disease entity group that includes four subtypes: Melanoma, Basal Cell Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, and a rare subtype called Merkel Cell Carcinoma.

Using a combination of imaging and molecular techniques, Alexander Witkowski MD, PhD and team (Joanna Ludzik MD, PhD, Jina Chung MD, Sancy Leachman MD PhD, Giovanni Pellacani MD and Claudia Lee MS4) detected and confirmed a micro-melanoma in situ measuring 0.65 mm in diameter.

No other skin cancer subtype (neither invasive nor in-situ) has been reported with a diameter less than 0.65 mm until the date of the peer-reviewed publication.