Greatest distance on an electric scooter in 24 hours by a team in relay
Valerio Boni, Stefano Gaeta, Begoña Calvo, Massimo Roccoli, Alberto Cecotti
1931.06 kilometre(s)
Italy (Cervesina)
Age Restriction: Applications for this record title will only be accepted if the applicant is 16 years of age or over.

The greatest distance on an electric scooter in 24 hours by a team in relay is 1931.06 km (1199.90 mi), achieved by Valerio Boni, Stefano Gaeta, Massimo Roccoli, Alberto Cecotti (all Italy) and Begoña Calvo (Spain), in Cervesina, Pavia, Italy, on 2-3 November 2023.

Of the team members, only one is a professional rider.