Largest collection of Studio Ghibli memorabilia
Eloïse Von Velvet
1304 total number
France ()

The largest collection of Studio Ghibli memorabilia is 1,304 items and was achieved by Eloïse Von Velvet (France) in France on 7 October 2021.

Eloïse Von Velvet is a makeup artist and tattoo model.

Studio Ghibli won a special place in her heart when her mother first bought Eloïse the DVD of “Princess Mononoke”. Eloïse was six years old at the time, and admits although this movie was a little too dark for her then, Eloïse was deeply struck by its magnificent landscapes, its breathtaking soundtrack and its strong female characters.

Today, Eloïse has a whole room in her house specially dedicated to licensed and official Studio Ghibli merchandise.