Fastest time to travel the Indian Golden Quadrilateral by bicycle (team)
Lt Col Vishal Ahlawat, Hav P Mohapatra, Cfn Damaraveni Vinay
15:22:21:00. day(s):hour(s):minute(s):second(s)
India (Delhi)
Age Restriction: Applications for this record title will only be accepted if the applicant is 16 years of age or over.

The fastest time to travel the Indian Golden Quadrilateral by Bicycle (team) is 15 days 22 hr 21 min, and was achieved by Vishal Ahlawat (India), P Mohapatra (India) and Damaraveni Vinay (India), from 15 November to 1 December 2018.

The team attempted the record to promote healthy, clean, pollution-free transportation in India.