Highest score on Arcade Archives Ninja-Kid's Caravan mode
Hideki Kamiya
158,680 point(s)
Japan (Osaka)

The highest score on Arcade Archives Ninja-Kid's Caravan mode is 158,680, and was achieved by Hideki Kamiya (Japan) in Osaka, Osaka, Japan, on 21 May 2018.

Arcade Archives is a series of emulated arcade videogames from ‘80s to 2000s published by HAMSTER Corporation. The built-in Caravan mode lets the players compete with their high score within the five minute time frame.

Kamiya states that he achieved this high score out of his love for Ninja-Kid, which was originally released for arcades by UPL Co., Ltd. in 1984. He is a renowned videogame designer whose works include the Bayonetta, Devil May Cry, Okami and the Resident Evil series.