Most YouTube Diamond Play buttons earned by family members
Felipe Neto, Luccas Neto, Rafael Velázquez Espinosa, Ana Karen Velázquez Espinosa, Lesslie Yadid Velázquez Espinosa
3 total number
Mexico ()

The most YouTube Diamond Play buttons earned by family members is 3, and was achieved by Felipe Neto and Luccas Neto (both Brazil) with the channels 'Felipe Neto', 'Luccas Neto - Luccas Toon' & 'Canal IN' and Rafael Velázquez Espinosa, Ana Karen Velázquez Espinosa & Lesslie Yadid Velázquez Espinosa (all Mexico) with the channels 'LosPolinesios', 'Extra Polinesios' and 'Musas', as verified on 24 June 2020.

The channels 'Felipe Neto', 'Luccas Neto - Luccas Toon' and 'Canal IN' are owned by the brothers Felipe and Luccas Neto (all Brazil), who joined YouTube on 15 May 2006 and 31 July 2014, respectively.

The siblings Lesslie Yadid Velázquez Espinosa, Ana Karen Velázquez Espinosa and Rafael Velázquez Espinosa (all Mexico) begun creating content in 2012 and nowadays own five channels, of which three have reached the 10 million subscribers benchmark.