Largest traditional Chinese medicine lesson
GuangYuYuan Chinese Herbal Medicine Co., Ltd.
1,014 people
China (Taigu, Jinzhong)

The largest Chinese traditional medicine lesson consists of 1,014 participants and was achieved by GuangYuYuan Chinese Herbal Medicine Co., Ltd. (China) in Taigu, Jinzhong, Shanxi, China, on 18 October 2018.

The attempt was conducted in the new plant of GuangYuYuan Chinese Herbal Medicine Co. Ltd. in Taigu. There were total 1,041 participants and 27 participants were disqualified due to not fully participating into the lesson. Most of participants were students from Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine and the rest were the employees of GuangYuYuan. The lesson lasted about 45 minutes and the teacher was a professor from Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine.