Fastest Any% completion of Super Mario Odyssey (no assists)
00:57:54 hour(s):minute(s):second(s)
Not Applicable ()

The fastest Any%, no-assists completion of Super Mario Odyssey was achieved by "Mitch" (NLD) in a time of 57 minutes 54 seconds. Mitch submitted this time to on 27 July 2020, and it remains at the top of the leaderboard as of 14 October 2020.

The idea that an any % speedrun of Super Mario Odyssey could be completed in less than an hour was once declared impossible by more than one speedrunner. The fiercely competitive Mario speedrunning community took this as challenge head-on, refining their times second by second and discovering valuable skips that made that impossible task look ever more possible. The race to be the first to get a sub-hour run was won by Nicro on 23rd March 2019 with a time of 59.59.