Longest time battling ropes - alternate waves (female)
Cindy Hinske
90:51 minute(s):second(s)
United States (Tucson)

The longest time battling ropes - alternate waves (female) is 90 min 51 sec, achieved by Cindy Hinske (USA) in Tucson, Arizona, USA, on 28 December 2021.

Cindy broke her own record, set in January 2021. When asked what her inspiration for attempting this record was, Cindy (65) said: I was tired of people saying to me, “I am too old to work out, to go to the gym or any physical activity, it’s too hard.” So, I was thinking if I could motivate them and let them know that if they want to do something bad enough, they can do it.

After applying for the record on her birthday, she began training for two days per week until she was confident she could beat her previous record. In the end, she was able to surpass it by almost 30 minutes.

On achieving the record, she said "being a Guinness World Records title holder is such an honor. Being the Guinness World Record holder has also helped me show the seniors (like me) that anyone who believes in themselves and has dreams can do anything that they want to do. I have inspired some seniors, which was my goal and ITS AMAZING!"