Highest altitude fashion show on land
Pankaj K Gupta , Ramila Nemkul , Riken Maharjan
5,500 metre(s)
Nepal (Gokyo 6th Lake View Point)
Age Restriction: Applications for this record title will only be accepted if the applicant is 16 years of age or over.

The highest altitude fashion show on land took place at 5,500 m (18,044 ft 7 in) and was achieved by Pankaj K Gupta, India, Ramila Nemkul, Nepal and Riken Maharjan, Nepal at Gokyo 6th Lake View Point, Nepal on 23 September 2021.

The main idea behind the record attempt was to promote eco-friendly clothes as sported by the fashion models during the ramp walk as well as promulgate the idea of peace and harmony in the world as it does in nature. Mt. Everest until just a few years ago had become rather polluted because of irresponsible tourism but has since been cleaned up by strict implementation of rules and regulations. The attempt took place within the limits of these regulations.